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7 attitudes that will make you appear more confident in your life (in general)

is something that we must adjust to. The world nowadays is nothing but a brag of confidence. All the things that were created were possibly made out of confidence. You can say to me? But - in my personality - something says that I can't be confident, I just am not confident. Well, you're wrong. I bet that when you are doing something you love, or you have a certain skill that you know how to use well, wether is cooking or nursing, volunteering, you're good at something. It depends from person to person; some people have more reliability in doing something that you still can't do well, but possibly and affirmatively, you can, yes, do something that you're good at. Can come from the most awkward situation to the best - you're good at something. If you don't know what confidence actually means, you can search for it in the dictionary (online dictionaries are super interesting, usable and free!).

Confidence is a lot related to jobs and workplaces, although, being confident is not all about that. After all, life isn't about working, is it? No. The one person that decides what kind of lifestyle to follow is you and, only you. You can be confident by starting analyzing what you're good at, or you can start about bragging your personal-good-qualities around. Is it that simple? Yes. It all depends on your mindset. Break out the rules, be yourself.

I'm going to list 7 attitudes that will make you appear more confident in your but in general, which means that you can use these techniques every day. I also did in my recent post "In Case You Need Attention & Self-Love" where I listed quick and easy tips for you to love yourself more. Besides showing you the attitudes you can use in your personal lifestyle, you can ally these with self-love. So, it's important for you to analyze all the content I'm exposing you through. Alright? Let's get started.

1. Erase your limiting beliefs.

It's not that simple just to erase my limiting beliefs. Of course not! There are some steps you can do to erase only the limiting beliefs that are stocking you up in a place that you don't want to be in. For example, you want to build a much larger social group for yourself, but if you think that you're not good enough, or if you feel like people don't like you, that they'll not enjoy your presence or your lifestyle; those are limiting beliefs. I say this because it happens to me too, every single day. Although, what I do is shovel those off of me and start over. Freud used to speak a lot about making mistakes in his analogies, whether it will push you or pull you.

When we were children, our parents/tutors and our social circle always made us look like we would never accomplish our goals, desires, and dreams. To make it better, they would just pass their hands on our heads to make us feel calm about, and that's when the limiting belief is created.

  1. Make a list about what is limiting you from believing in what you can do/not do.
  2. Think about different possibilities that you might have in your range of options
  3. Create the perfect scenario for your outcome
  4. Create those new beliefs
  5. Lastly, act in alignment with the beliefs you created
2. Perspective can be your best ally in analyzing facts.

Don't be mistaken about what you lived, and what you experienced at that moment of your life. Can you picture that image again in your head? Well, if you can, you possibly have a perspective aligned with it, don't you? Now the message for you begins. Whenever analyzing a situation, our brain creates the illusion of memory and that memory will be the creator of your perspective. Although, the perspective that you created is not analyzing the facts correctly. You're only seeing from one point of you, and if that point of view is damaging your self-image, confidence, and self-esteem, you'll create a negative perspective over a subject that would be better off being analyzed by a proper, and positive perspective.

The facts are what happened - raw. You cannot change the fact that whatever happened, happened, but you can change the perspective over it. 

How to make it work for you? 

  • Revisit your memory full of self-limiting beliefs
  • Put a better perspective over what happened
  • Talk with others that you know that have a different perspective of the event
  • Write down a list of the reasons why it should be a positive experience
  • Rewrite the facts
3. Positivity overcomes negativity

We come down to a point where we understand that thinking negative is not going to bring you the best brain-clean, washing-concepts of ideas. Is it? I believe that power comes with the creation and all the creation comes with a positive idea. It's just logical to think this way: "No creation is the fruit of negativity". The ideas might come from a negative place, but creation? Creation comes always with a positivity.

Also comes to the philosophical equation:

If negativity is the opposite of positivity,
and perspective is positive,
so the beliefs will be positive.

We create positive so we shall create positive beliefs. Getting away from negativity comes with the understanding that our emotional levels might be at a low point/level. The explains that very well.

Steps to make it work:

  1. Don't suppress your emotions, let if the flow
  2. Create new activities that will produce more positivity over negativity
  3. Hunt for the 'good stuff'
  4. Change what you don't like, make yourself like what you enjoy best
  5. Always think about perspective and new possibilities
  6. The World is Endless
4. Curiosity is the key to confidence

Curiosity is the number one key to reach confidence. The life-sustained-growth levels are built by confidence. As I wrote before, creation comes with positivity, and positivity can be achieved with having a curious mind. If you think through about patterns that you can rely on for encouragement, you'll see that all the people who are confident, they usually have great levels of curiosity. The fun begins where you are, and where to find things to keep you curious about. It can go from the smallest thing in the world to the greatest. If you're too afraid to go for things that don't make sense to you, it's a proper chance that you have to achieve better results. What no one has ever made, will bring you the best outcome if you accomplish it. Now, don't beat yourself up to get results, just now. Life sometimes can be a war, and a war is made of battles, it's not because you lose one, that you're going to lose all of them. To boost your confidence, you first need to have curiosity. It happens a lot to people who suffer from depression and anxiety that can't make their minds up to become more curious. The feeling of "nothing matters" can engulf you in a poor state of mind. I made a post about depression at the beginning of this blog. If you don't, it's way easier to achieve these levels of curiosity that will help you, LSI, to build confidence.

  • Try new things
  • Invest quality time in your hobbies
  • Start new stuff and invest in the new
  • Make it work & make it worth it

5. Say "no" to self-doubt

Most of the time, whenever we're having an idea that will lead us to curiosity we might suffer from the feeling of self-doubt. With this, we will be self-sabotaging ourselves with, again, limiting beliefs. If you ever caught yourself up wondering whether you're good for something or not, you'll be overthinking the situation. Now, picture overthinking as your worst enemy whenever it comes for you to take any action. You have to defeat it. It's like a game. Along the way, there's going to be roadblocks there, and as they will always exist, you'll have to find a way to fight those thoughts and go through. That's what successful people, usually do. That's what confident people do. Put yourself in the same skin of a confident person, see things from their point of view. It's a different place to be!

6. Self-talk

Self-talk is a powerful habit that most people should have. Imagine your current lifestyle and social life. You talk to people, you get new ideas and points from them, you enjoy spending time with the people to enjoy talking to, can be your friends, family, partner, coworkers, whoever might be, but you feel good. Don't you? If you enjoy also spending quality time with yourself, you'll talk to yourself. You can realize things that you probably wouldn't be doing if you were just giving the best speeches to other people.

It's scientifically proven that talking with yourself, not only boosts your confidence but also makes you smarter and helps you focus.

  • Create your personal space
  • Decide what you want to talk about
  • Take notes of what you say and how you say it (can be extremely important)
  • Turn that into a daily-routine habit
7. Takedown your fears

Fears usually come with a lot of stress and overthinking. That's why it's so important to say "no" to self-doubt. Usually, these things come from limiting beliefs that make us think negatively. Ronald Siegel with his book The Mindfulness Solution said: 

  • "Think about your worst fear. Spend time with it. Now make your fear worse by getting closer to it. Imagine the worst that could happen. Now focus on your breathing. Feel your body relax. See, you didn’t die, did you? You’re on your way to conquering your fear."
Now, if you don't believe in yourself, who would? Your thoughts create your beliefs.

I hope you enjoyed this post.


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