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Feel Less Anxious Now

Anxiety is painful. I know! What now? The everyday pressures of life can turn into an anxious messy lifestyle. Perhaps, you developed anxiety as a child. It's possible that your mind is a current state of trouble, and you're always waiting for it to disappear.

So many of us are looking for relief. Anxiety comes with sleeping issues, decreased libido, increased hunger or the lack of it, trouble breathing, etc. We can turn up to drugs, and that's not recommended. Treating anxiety with drugs is not the answer.

I'm going to show you, effective ways that you can fight anxiety without medication.

1. Talk more, think less

I know, old same old, but talking to people is highly effective, especially with friends, or family that you trust. There's something even better than talking which is screaming. If you're dealing with frustrations or things are not going as you planned, you can just scream, talk, but don't think too much.

A healthy release of emotions in a controlled environment will be a benefit for your mental health. The more you fight anxiety within, the more it will struggle inside you, so let it out! It can be overwhelming.

2. Drink less caffeine

Caffeine is, honestly bad for your brain. It gives the nervous system, extra energy, which makes you go stressed out, or overthink too much!

It's all about moderation if you think wisely. Perhaps, you can switch coffee for herbal tea. It calms your mind and nerves.

3. Stay in your comfort zone for a while

If you feel extremely anxious, there's nothing wrong with staying in your comfort zone for a bit. Don't get me wrong, it's preferable if you put yourself out there, but the comfort zone exists for a reason. It's a way that you can find some security within yourself.

Stay at home if possible, don't go to places that you usually do. Do something that you like, and invest in your privacy-time. It's precious!

4. Relabel the meanings behind your issues

If you know, exactly why you're anxious, or what you are anxious about, give it a different meaning. Play with your head for a while.

If you feel like you got an arrow in your heart, it's possible that you might have panic attacks. Remember that you can always choose a harmless way to end it. Keep in mind that your body is in an activity of fight-or-flight response, and that's the system that is going to maintain you secure.

5. Don't be perfect

If you're not feeling okay, it's fine! Not every day, you need to do things perfectly well. In fact, nothing is actually perfect, so you don't need to be. Just give it your best.

You're doing just fine!

6. Visualize 

This is one is very important and powerful! Visualize that you're in a happy place, or a place that you enjoy spending time in. Observe the ambiance, feel the weather, smell it, touch it.

Visualization can come as the perfect tool to just fly up in the clouds. You can literally go anywhere you want with powerful visualization techniques.

7. Naptime

A good nap can solve many problems. Take a shower, dress up to sleep! If you're not able to shut your mind, put some nice music, and fall asleep through it.

There's nothing better than just to take a little time for yourself.

Perhaps, you'll even dream. Good dreams are perfect in those situations.

Take care!


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