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10 things successful people do in life

First of all, mental health and physical health are the most important thing about successfulness.

While I've been talking about depression over the last two posts, we usually forget that we can achieve successfulness in our lives, as well. Overcoming our fears, conditions, moods, and fatigue while battling over those, we always have to think about the possibility: "What if I can be successful?".

For me, it was a good choice that I made. I tried to become successful in everything I could at my darkest times, and that helped me to become better with myself, and with the world.

I started by achieving little things, such as going for long walks, riding a bike for some hours, writing more poetry, writing more songs, learning something new, watch something new, finish my meals, go straight out to the university every day, write more books, talk to more people. I challenged myself to become successful in my achievements that seem small to some people, but big to people with mental illnesses or other conditions. Comes as out as very personal, but achievements make you proud of yourself, and that gives you the power to defeat "enemies" that might surround you.

So, I prepared a list based on myself and my past and present researches about things that successful people do, and that might help you to become one, as well.

There's nothing better than taking a look into the past, and see how much we've achieved in the long-run.

1. Successful people balance their lives

They create routines that make them feel better. They take time on themselves to create good habits that, also create positive thoughts, self-esteem, and powerful mentalities envisioning the good health they can get.

They go for walks or run to improve their body-health and body-image. They create sleeping habits for themselves. Eating habits with the right proportions and ingredients. They read, plan their days ahead, enjoy meetings with others, and out of work - very important - they relax.

Who doesn't enjoy having a good hobby?

2. They understand mistakes as perspectives 

While most people have a hard time blaming themselves for the mistakes they commit. Successful people understand that mistakes are important to improve in the next day.

They believe, also, that mistakes are perspectives. For me, it can be alright, for them, it might be wrong, and that's fine!

Mistakes are important to realize that we are no perfect and that perfection doesn't exist.

It's mandatory to have perspectives, flaws, and imperfections.

3. Successful people set boundaries

Sometimes, it's important to say no. Not every proposition is a good one, and not all people are the right ones. Successful people understand that they can't take every single project, word, invitation with every single person. They know to have to take back off and take care of themselves first.

This doesn't mean that you are losing opportunities. You must know yourself! Don't be afraid to occasionally say "no" to your own ambitions as well. This goes back to get yourself in a balanced life - work-life balance.

It may feel that you're not doing enough or working enough, but you are. You are working on yourself, by the experience of life and work-life basis-control.

4. Successful people are optimistic

These people are no genius. They realize that being optimistic is better than being pessimistic about things, and life, or work. I understand, also that it may sound difficult to depressed people - such as me - but this post is here for that reason. We need to become optimistic.

Successful people focus on the positive side of every situation possible - but not blindly. Optimism helps us having opportunities we would miss if we were focusing on the negative side of the occasion.

While you must always plan for your future, you also must believe there is a way across the hard times and downfalls that life, sometimes, brings to you.

It's better to take a second chance for the sake of yourself!

5. Successful people take the leap

Don't be afraid of taking the leap. It might be scary, but scary things might come with new things. If you're tired of getting the same results, over and over again, you should try something new, instead.

You need to stop refusing to try. The higher you set your goals, the scarier the prospection to failure can be. Although, there's no reason for you to not try. What you never know, it gives you no harm. Of course, start by the smaller things as I've been writing about.

You might think that you can't, but maybe, something great is ahead of you but YOU HAVE TO WORK ON IT!

However, it might hurt that every day is not possible to give yourself a chance, but tomorrow can be a better day.

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. It can be the leap that changes your life, forever.

6. They focus on being productive

We live in an economic world. That's a fact! For example - me - I never wanted to be part of the economic disruption of the world, and I never did. I understood that money, and successfulness, and good things, and good habits are GOOD for me. I do it for me, and if I can help other people, I will, and I do.

If you are your own entrepreneur, you won't ever feel like a boss would pay you. No one would ever have anything to say against your work-ways anymore.

Reward yourself for spending time working, but more important, reward yourself for getting your work, done. When you run your own business, you are paid for products, and services, not for time.

When your productivity raises, your impact on yourself will likely get you self-promoted in life.

7. Successful people ask for help

Successful people ask for help whenever they need to.

There's no shame in understanding that we can't know it all. As I wrote previously, we are no perfect, and that doesn't exist - at least, perfection doesn't exist in the world of successfulness. I tried to be perfect - the perfect student, the perfect son, the perfect worker - all lead me to despair, and higher depression symptoms.

Be willing to reach out to people who might know more, will improve your social impact and your social relationships, as well, as surrounding yourself with this kind people - smart, disciplined individuals - allows you to learn and grow.

Starting by building a strong support system, your friends and family are the best ones to keep you motivated and accountable when it comes to reaching your goals.

8. Successful people don't make excuses

Being said that excuses are away from being optimistic, making it, can dethrone you from achieving success.

Very important: depression is not an excuse, it's a real mental condition. 

It's massively fine to daydream and set intentions, but it's also very good to be aware of the excuses you can subconsciously make to not get what you want. Successful people don't do that. They are proactive and do their best to overcome obstacles that come their way.

Believe more and feel more!

9. Successful people set S.M.A.R.T goals

They have a plan. You can get far in life with a clear plan of what you want to accomplish.

Focus on setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, and then hatch out a plan to achieve it.

What S.M.A.R.T. goals are: goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. For example, being successful comes with not being a smart goal, but opening your own business by a set date, or double your current income by the end of a set date, are S.M.A.R.T goals.

Those goals can come in smaller proportions such as being better at dating your daily routines. Take the number of steps that you need to become better with yourself, and after, becoming better what you might do.

In order to set those goals, start by defining what success means to you and take it from there. Once you have a goal in your mind that you believe that's achievable, figure out all the steps necessary, in order to take it, one at the time, to accomplish your conquest.

It gets easier, every time!

10. They have eyes on possibilities - awareness

A number of successful people that I've met, always have eyes on different possibilities to achieve one goal. They understand the world "awareness" and they start fighting from that point.

Awareness is very important to become the best version of yourself. It allows you to have many pictures of different situations that you can be in. It's your job to choose one, or more, and set your dates, achieve your successfulness, and to become capable to conquer what you think it's best for yourself.

This post is important to help you understand the positive side of becoming the best version of yourself.
Remember, do what is best, and be grateful for the things that you achieved so far, and that you can achieve.
Small steps can be better than big ones in the short run. 

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