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In Case You Need Attention & Self-Love

Man, I've been feeling like wanting attention from any source around me. I've been feeling also creeped out by myself wondering why. The question is: "Do you really want attention or you're just in lack of self-love"?

Wanting attention has nothing to do with self-love. Sometimes, we just want attention from a specific person, or we want attention from friends, family, etc. There's nothing wrong with it. If we love somebody, of course, we should want their attention. Although, don't pursue their attention. By pursuing their attention, you get caught in the name of being needy. People don't like needy. I know, Ariana Grande said "it's okay to feel needy", but being needy for someone who doesn't value you, has no worth - 100%.

Now, reminding you that you need self-love is something important. Self-love is about releasing your own potential by feeling good, and okay with who you are, what you have, and where you are. It doesn't really matter if you're not okay - you gotta be. And I say this because you're so little aware of what you are and what you have is precious. I'm gonna tell you, everything you are and have is a reflection of your own thoughts, and mindset. By unlocking your personality as well, you're going to be more aware of your thoughts; like that, you will see what you're capable of creating for yourself. You don't need to wait for any of it when you can have it now. It's like going to a store - in this case, there store only accepts thoughts instead of cash - and there you can buy awareness with your thoughts, you can buy whatever makes you feel good in a level of the heart. If you put your hands in your heart, and if you breathe, you'll be more aware of what you love to want, to be, and to have. Try it, and play games with your mind because your mind has no shame in playing with you - isn't it?

Great methods you can in the steps of reaching self-love:

1. Become aware of your thoughts. People who have more self-love tend to know what they feel, want and think about.

2. Act on what you need rather than what you want. Seems kind of paradox but what you need is more important than what you want to achieve on the present moment. You need to stay centered by moving forward in your life.

3. Practice self-care. Take better care of your basic needs such as your health - nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy, and social interactions.

4. Set personal boundaries. Get away from harm - whatever it is. Protect yourself.

5. Forgive yourself. We can be so hard on ourselves. You have no idea. Self-sabotage is often something humans do. The downside of taking responsibility for our actions is punishing us.  Sometimes, we're just learning and growing and that, my dear, is no mistake. Remember, there are no failures, you just learned from life; there are lessons to be learned.

6. Live with intention. You will accept and love yourself more when you live with a purpose. Setting purposes and goals for yourself will make life look more appealing, and whenever you achieve those, you'll become better at loving who you really are.

These are just a few options for you.



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