It's stressful to stay at home, I know, I feel the same way. Think about the positive effects on this. One of those is that you can take time to rest, do shores that previously you didn't have a second to spare with, and you can entertain yourself more, as well. If you're working from home, you probably don't need to put your suit on, every single morning, and you are probably never late. If you have kids, this is the best time to watch them grow. Although, this post is not going to be about changing your mindset, rather, what you can physically do to overcome the 'insanity' that has been going on, on your mind. I want you to get the good out of life.
1. Take care of your self-image and a routine
When we stay at home, we quickly get a bit sloppy, don't we? The answer is yes, I know it is. It's very important that you overcome those situations. Whenever you don't look at your best, your subconscious mind will quickly input negative thoughts on your mind. Try to do the following routine that I'm about to show.
- Set up a time to wake up.
- Take a shower after waking up.
- Make breakfast and eat it without a rush.
- Put on your best clothing.
- Create a to-do list for the day, even with the most 'surprising' things you can find with your mind.
- Take care of your skin with natural products. COCONUT OIL, for example, is really good for your skin.
- Exercise for one hour. Listening to some music from the '90s while doing it. Press here!
- Input yourself into a hobby that you like.
- Take time to do something productive, such as reading. 'Think and Grow Rich' is my top choice for productivity!
- Schedule a set-up time to sleep.
2. Do not watch the news
I know that you're curious about what's happening, right now, but it's better to stay safe than sorry!
I always recommend not to pursue the news about the Coronavirus because it's mentally detrimental, right now.
If you want to get to know more information about the Coronavirus, watch instructional and well-documented speeches, books and content about that subject.
3. Get some alone
For most of you that are alone, I know that you understand this well, but if you're not, well, get some alone time if you can. If you have a balcony or a yard, it's time to start doing outdoor things if you have those possibilities.
If you have a spare room in your house, go there, and warn everybody that you need alone time.
Put some headphones on and listen to audiobooks, or music, or classical music, even to be with yourself. This also works for people who are on their own right now.
Being alone doesn't mean that you're lonely. What you need to do in case you need alone time, it's the feeling of being alone, and for those of you who don't want to be alone, do things to forget about it such as Facetime or Skype with friends.
4. Create, create, create
Before that our societies became so keen to live their best lives and enjoy every bit of it, in the past, our ancestors, they focused more on the creation of things and enhance their creativity was considered something powerful. Kings and Queens from Ancient Egypt, for example, understood this very well.
Even if you think that you're not creative, everybody is. To prove to you that you are, pick up a pen now, and draw some lines, and watch how your brain will function to that. It's a really cool exercise for me when I feel a bit, "uncreative".
5. This will be over soon
This is more of a mindset that you need to acquire. Say to yourself "This will be over soon" because it will. I promise that it will. Nothing lasts forever, not even a pandemic.
Go back to history a little bit. Even the Bubonic Plague or the Worldwar II ended. What would make the Coronavirus so special that it would never end?
Relax your mind and enjoy the present moment.
If you enjoyed this list, share it with your friends, it will help them get through the quarantine!
Some links have special products that I found super useful for you and that has an affiliate link if you purchase it, I'd get a commission on that. Some links have creative videos that I want to share with you.
Soon, I'll be releasing a book called 'Break My Heart'. You can pre-order it now, it will be released on Friday, the 3rd of April.
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