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5 Movies That Make You Chill

I love watching movies, and you should know that if you read my last post about it - movies to watch when you're feeling depressed.

Whenever I feel down or happy or whatever feeling I'm having, a movie always seemed a good option for me. I actually enjoy watching any kind depending on the mood.

Last night I was watching a Pokemon movie, and it was so chill, so I decided to write this blog post about it. Pokemon was always something that I used to enjoy paying attention because of the fantasy, new worlds, and a lot also because of the whole scene about being an explorer.

So, if you're in tune with movies, you'll adore this list. Everything is based on my preferences.

1. The Addams Family

It's a classic! The Addams Family is one of the best humourist-classic movies from the decades you'll probably get for you to just chill and/or feel a bit creeped out. For those who don't know the movie, it's a story about a family - of course - and within this family, there's a lot of money-power-game involved. They are the experts of sadness and the weird. Everything happens when the accountant of the family owes money to this lady and the lady has a son that looks like the lost older brother of the Addams family. Between getting the money out of the house - the secret vault - the son pretends to be the brother. It's a lot of fun, full of satiric jokes, sarcasm, incredible acting. What else? Yeah, Wednesday - my favorite character.

2. Wall-E

Perhaps, nothing is better than a bit of animation in our lives. Wall-E from Disney Pixar, it's one of the best-rated movies of Disney, all time. The film includes this robot living on Earth after massive destruction, and he builts a new world on his own. After an impactive event, a robot comes down from a spaceship where humanity is living on, and he falls in love with it, so he goes with the robot to the spaceship where they are and it's where all the fun begins. It's a mixture of a heartfelt sort of movie, but also funny and perfect to just sit on your couch/bed and chill - with some snacks of course.

3. Braveheart

I encourage you to watch this movie whenever you're going to sleep or about to because it's slow, dramatic, historical, etc. It's a great film though, but it gives me a hard time of sleepness during the motion of it. I'm including it on this list because it's perfect to just chill. Braveheart happens back there in the medieval ages of Scotland where this warrior after losing his family to English warriors, seeks revenge. Pretty cool, no?

4. Mean Girls

Mean Girls is way different from Braveheart. Instead of keeping you asleep, it will you keep awake for the entire movie and still making you want to watch more at the end. The film is a recreation of life in high school between girls where drama, gossip, fashion trends, popular chicks happen. The first time I watched it, I was very young but I've been rewatching it and never gets old. For those who don't know, there's also a second movie, not the same actors playing roles.

5. White Chicks

Oh... I JUST LOVE THIS MASTERPIECE. Sorry for the caps - isn't it great? White Chicks is probably one of the best comedy movies I've ever watched - probably I haven't watched many. White Chicks tells a story about two cops who are almost losing their jobs. To save their career, they investigate a case where they do dress up like two white girls and the show goes on.

I must warn you that the critics of the film were really bad. Although, I enjoyed it - to chill.

I hope you enjoyed this list, and share if you have the same thoughts as me. Recommend me some, if you want!


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