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Showing posts from August, 2019

How to become motivated (all the f* time)

A study was made at the Columbia University where they took a large group of fifth graders and had them work on numerous puzzles by themselves. These were very challenging for them, but regardless of how well each child did, they were told that they scored very well - that they did better than most of the other kids. Afterward, half of these students were told they scored higher because they worked very hard to achieve that while the other half were told that they achieved it because they were smart. Then they presented each student with three different types of puzzles to work on - easy ones, medium difficulty ones, and extremely hard ones. What they found was the interesting taking point at the end of this challenge/study. The students who were told that they did well because they were smart spent the majority of their time on the easy puzzles while not spending any time on the hard ones, saying "I don't want to do this anymore" which means, signs of lower levels of...

How's Coffee Affecting Your Brain (Pros, Cons, Risks, Nutrition - Q&A)

Do you drink coffee ? It's a widely popular drink. Many people believe that coffee isn't good for your health. In fact, in the past, it was unfairly demonized. It's a major source of antioxidants in the Westerns Worldwide Diet. It's associated with decreased risks of diabetes and liver diseases. Although, there's a remaining question: Does coffee have benefits for your brain? In this post, I'm going to share my personal knowledge allied with science says about it. I can't lie. I drink coffee most of the time. My idea about creating this post was to actually find out if it was good for me, or not. With that, I can help you, and help myself figuring it all out. It was an exciting idea as this morning, after waking up and my morning shower, there it is - my morning coffee . I divided the post into five different 'sectors' by creating amazing lists for you. Explaining better, I'm going to be writing about the Pros, the Consequences, some risk...

7 attitudes that will make you appear more confident in your life (in general) Confidence is something that we must adjust to. The world nowadays is nothing but a brag of confidence. All the things that were created were possibly made out of confidence. You can say to me? But - in my personality - something says that I can't be confident, I just am not confident. Well, you're wrong. I bet that when you are doing something you love, or you have a certain skill that you know how to use well, wether is cooking or nursing, volunteering, you're good at something. It depends from person to person; some people have more reliability in doing something that you still can't do well, but possibly and affirmatively, you can, yes, do something that you're good at. Can come from the most awkward situation to the best - you're good at something. If you don't know what confidence  actually means,   you can search for it in the dictionary (online dicti...

5 TIPS: How to face unemployment in your personal life

Nowadays, the market is getting tougher and tougher. Sometimes, it doesn’t really matter experience or skills; sometimes you just might not fall in the grace of others. Whatever! Many companies and economy have made it difficult for people to find work and a good environment at work as well. Regardless of age and qualifications, unemployment has affected us, poorly in recent years. It feels like we live in a constant crisis. Allied with it, the cost of living is getting more and more expensive meanwhile the quality of life is decreasing. Despite many difficulties, there are ways to stay healthy, hopefully, more aligned with yourself, and to reach levels of growth. I listed some ways that you can find to stay productive and active, even if you don’t have a job to go to. 1. Create a new schedule for yourself If you ever wondered what it’s like to be your own boss, you definitely need to schedule your habits. That’s the master rule to reach productivity. It’s okay to ha...

5 Movies That Make You Chill

I love watching movies, and you should know that if you read my last post about it - movies to watch when you're feeling depressed . Whenever I feel down or happy or whatever feeling I'm having, a movie always seemed a good option for me. I actually enjoy watching any kind depending on the mood. Last night I was watching a Pokemon movie, and it was so chill, so I decided to write this blog post about it. Pokemon was always something that I used to enjoy paying attention because of the fantasy, new worlds, and a lot also because of the whole scene about being an explorer. So, if you're in tune with movies, you'll adore this list. Everything is based on my preferences. 1. The Addams Family It's a classic! The Addams Family is one of the best humourist-classic movies from the decades you'll probably get for you to just chill and/or feel a bit creeped out. For those who don't know the movie, it's a story about a family - of course - and within ...

In Case You Need Attention & Self-Love

Man, I've been feeling like wanting attention from any source around me. I've been feeling also creeped out by myself wondering why. The question is: "Do you really want attention or you're just in lack of self-love"? Wanting attention has nothing to do with self-love. Sometimes, we just want attention from a specific person, or we want attention from friends, family, etc. There's nothing wrong with it. If we love somebody, of course, we should want their attention. Although, don't pursue their attention. By pursuing their attention, you get caught in the name of being needy. People don't like needy. I know, Ariana Grande said "it's okay to feel needy", but being needy for someone who doesn't value you, has no worth - 100%. Now, reminding you that you need self-love is something important. Self-love is about releasing your own potential by feeling good, and okay with who you are, what you have, and where you are. It doesn't...

How to deal with rejection

Rejection is an awful way of feeling about something or some event. A story of mine is that, back in school, my teachers used to diss a lot about my projects; that got me annoyingly offended, even though, they just wanted me to improve, since I was so stubborn in dealing with situations that, supposedly, I was wrong. It's an aspect of being human! No one has succeeded in life without facing rejection, first. We all experience it, from time to time. It's OKAY to feel unwanted and an outcast after a rejection. It comes with hurt and pain. Studies have shown that our reaction to rejection is based on elements or events from our past. As a result of it, fighting for the approval of everything becomes the best option of all of our future. There are many ways that you can learn how to deal with rejection. Powerful, and psychological techniques that you can you which involves reflection, and self-understanding. I'm going to show you some examples. Shift your perspectiv...