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5 TIPS: How to face unemployment in your personal life

Nowadays, the market is getting tougher and tougher. Sometimes, it doesn’t really matter experience or skills; sometimes you just might not fall in the grace of others. Whatever! Many companies and economy have made it difficult for people to find work and a good environment at work as well.

Regardless of age and qualifications, unemployment has affected us, poorly in recent years. It feels like we live in a constant crisis. Allied with it, the cost of living is getting more and more expensive meanwhile the quality of life is decreasing.

Despite many difficulties, there are ways to stay healthy, hopefully, more aligned with yourself, and to reach levels of growth.

I listed some ways that you can find to stay productive and active, even if you don’t have a job to go to.

1. Create a new schedule for yourself
If you ever wondered what it’s like to be your own boss, you definitely need to schedule your habits. That’s the master rule to reach productivity.
It’s okay to have a few days off of things but don’t keep it for too long. Studies show that too much comfort is not that comfortable for your brain.
Have always a good night of sleep. Don’t break that habit. Stay healthy, fit and eat well. Don’t skip your shower times. Stay focused on the future. Go out, even by yourself. Find a productive hobby. Have time to read, write, play an instrument, garden - it’s a precious time. You never know when you’ll be able to do it again. Enjoy the present moment!

2. Organize yourself
Unemployment brings a lot of time. It’s a minor comeback to a major one. You’ll have time to put things together that you didn’t have when you had to fulfill the work-basic-schedule.
Start by organizing and cleaning up your private space. Spoil yourself more. Why not give a new decoration for your room? Find old boxes, organize your library, organize your playlists. Putting things together will help you dive into the new chapter of your life.

3. Find gigs online
If you have the ability to find some work online. It’s awesome already. There’s a lot of websites that will you pay you for you to work if you develop great skills on that. Even if you don’t have those skills, you can fulfill surveys, for example.

4. Volunteering
Have you ever wondered how many places/people need your help? If you have such free time, wouldn’t it be good for you to volunteer somewhere? There’s plenty of places out there that will make you feel productive just by giving a bit of your extra help.
There’s a good example of mine. When I finished my university studies. I went to travel/volunteer in hostels. I even got hired at one. I saw too many nice places out there, made new friends, created new experiences. It was awesome and it can be just fine for you!

Live as much as you can.

5. Improve your studies
You can take a course now. If you’re wondering about what to do next, it’s always a good opportunity to find a course that you may enjoy.

Don’t forget about looking through some courses online. There are plenty of courses for free on the web. Like that, you’re improving your skills and you can add it to your resume.

If you enjoyed, please share and comment on your thoughts. I’d be pleased to hear from you.


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