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How to deal with rejection

Rejection is an awful way of feeling about something or some event. A story of mine is that, back in school, my teachers used to diss a lot about my projects; that got me annoyingly offended, even though, they just wanted me to improve, since I was so stubborn in dealing with situations that, supposedly, I was wrong. It's an aspect of being human!

No one has succeeded in life without facing rejection, first. We all experience it, from time to time. It's OKAY to feel unwanted and an outcast after a rejection. It comes with hurt and pain.

Studies have shown that our reaction to rejection is based on elements or events from our past. As a result of it, fighting for the approval of everything becomes the best option of all of our future.

There are many ways that you can learn how to deal with rejection. Powerful, and psychological techniques that you can you which involves reflection, and self-understanding. I'm going to show you some examples.

Shift your perspective

When the experience of rejection hits you, it's normal that you're going to feel really bad. Look up at rejection as an opportunity of growth, instead of a perspective that you're a failure, and that you are not going to succeed in anything.

If we take a minute to consider all of the opportunities that you still can get ahead, you'd be surprised. What is meant for you, it will always be yours. Being in alignment with what you want, and going for it, is an easy path.

You don't have to feel defeated. You have to be proud of yourself that you tried!


It's very important to care for yourself and to talk to yourself as well. If you can be compassionate about others, you can also be with you. Talk with yourself with compassion in your words, understand better your thoughts, and your emotions; congratulate yourself for the little things you've been doing.

Compassion means self-kindness and not self-judgment. Compassion means humanity, not isolation. and lastly, it also recognizes the mindfulness. Self-compassion teaches us that we can be friends with ourselves while we experience rejection times. We can be honest about the situation while keeping kindness and understanding about it.

Also, it motivates people to be more aware of struggling which is often regarded as having sensitivity as an emotional aspect of humanity, and society. It involves allowing ourselves to be moved by a bad experience, and help alleviating it, and preventing it from making you suffer. It's one of the best virtues.

It's your individuality

Why would be suffering for something that brings you out of your own individuality? Don't you prefer something that embraces you as you really are, and with what you really have?

I, myself, am a very stubborn person. People usually say that I should pay more attention to what they say. It's okay to do so, but have respect for your individuality as well. No one knows you better than you know yourself. When we listen to our critical inner voice, it's easy for insecurities to show up to the surface and for us to feel less secure of ourselves. We might even feel out of place. However, this moment presents you an opportunity to connect yourself with your own individuality.

If the lights go out, we can always hold our own. Whatever happens, we still got ourselves to take care of, and firstly, I gotta say. Keep trying new things, and innovating our daily routines, can show us ways of behavior about a situation. We will know, for sure, what you feel good about, and what you don't which also relieves you from rejection.

Embrace your individuality. Refuse rejection to define who you really are.

You need to learn from the wisdom rejection gave you

The last topic that I'm going to talk to you about is for you to learn from rejection, and it is nothing more than an experience in your life.

What did you gain from this? Rather than simply tolerate the pain itself, you can turn yourself into an opportunity to become the better version of yourself. Whether you learn about areas in your life that need improvement, being turned down, isn't that awful as you might imagine. ´

Use rejection as an opportunity to move forward with more wisdom and sympathy. You'll become wiser and wiser, I promise you!


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