Anxiety is painful. I know! What now? The everyday pressures of life can turn into an anxious messy lifestyle. Perhaps, you developed anxiety as a child. It's possible that your mind is a current state of trouble, and you're always waiting for it to disappear. So many of us are looking for relief. Anxiety comes with sleeping issues, decreased libido, increased hunger or the lack of it, trouble breathing, etc. We can turn up to drugs, and that's not recommended. Treating anxiety with drugs is not the answer. I'm going to show you, effective ways that you can fight anxiety without medication. 1. Talk more, think less I know, old same old, but talking to people is highly effective, especially with friends, or family that you trust. There's something even better than talking which is screaming. If you're dealing with frustrations or things are not going as you planned, you can just scream, talk, but don't think too much. A healthy release of emoti...